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jenn schiffer's live laugh blog

category: laughing

just some upcoming events and things on my mind

my fucking allergies!! just kidding, that's not what this blog is about, i just wanted to acknowledge it. here are some other things i want to acknowledge, separated by 'these need your attention and action' and 'no call to action needed here'

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falling for prince's fridge

as a former professional satirist, i know that you can always make someone fall for something. as april fools day approaches us again, i'd like to share what i believe was the only good april fools joke ever: heavy table's 'what's in prince's fridge'. click that right now, read it, and then come back. heavy table is a reader-sponsored culinary online zine based in prince's home zone, minneapolis and they are absolute legends for this one.

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grade school entrepreneur

i was just watching emma chamberlain tell some childhood stories and early into it she talked about under-the-table selling stickers and erasers to kids when she was a little kid and it feeling drug-dealery. i basically had the same experience.

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10 years since i warned you's about bitcoin

10 years ago i was working as a senior front-end engineer at the nba making way too little money for what they had me doing and writing extremely niche web development satire as a hobby with my coworker – normal 20-something lady in tech things. this was last time i ever remember being truly bored, which was the big driver behind me writing things on an invite-only blogging platform (medium the dot com in its infancy) that i knew were very funny and therefore would piss off a certain demographic.

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my truth

in which i reflect on one of the most epic and kept-behind-closed-doors cake failures ever in my mid-thirties.

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