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jenn schiffer's live laugh blog

2023: the year of blog on the desktop

remember when i brought back blogging, single-handedly, in 2020? then i got depressed lol? a lot of things happened, some really good and some really fucking awful. a year in review, more like a year in the fucking bin!

i've got nothing to lose with going into the new year hopeful, though: i'll be hitting 4 years of no alcohol in april, i've got a job, andy and i are (generously) 1/5 through the playground scene in powerwash simulator, i can still afford therapy even with the new year's fee increase, and i'm pretty close to perfecting a recipe for vegan mac and cheese sauce that's i've been working on all year.

here's my first list of the new year:

new years resolutions for 2023, in order from easiest to most difficult

  1. avoid tax evasion
  2. drink more water
  3. don't wait 6 months to get a haircut
  4. eat different vegetables (not just spinach lmao)
  5. be more active
  6. paint more paintings
  7. learn a new web development skill
  8. stop forgetting my wallet so i don't have to jump turnstiles (allegedly)
  9. do 5 solid push-ups
  10. stop making jokes about my hypothyroidism being from eating microplastics

i have off of work this week and i'm using the time to organize my scattered notes through the last year, update my glitch in bio to include more of the art and stuff i've made, and i need to find a small drain cover because the roaches traveling through the pipes of my building seem to think my bathroom sink is the wardrobe into fucking narnia.

happy new year, ya scamps. BLOGGING IS BACK, BABY!!

xoxo jenn

ps. i'm not active on twitter anymore, but i made my own mastodon instance, and i've been microblogging on cohost during my hiatus from PURE UNADULTERATED BLOGGING.

this was published January 2, 2023 under living blogging