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jenn schiffer's live laugh blog


an april photo dump before april is over

in the girly world of working on projects, being depressed, and blogging, you often can only pick two of those - and my brain *loves* to work on projects and be depressed. it's been a busy april, but first a word from our sponsor: pumagreg.

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catching up on candles

i haven't posted a candle-making blog since june 2022](/posts/candle-making-cento/) but i haven't stopped making them. i guess i just forgot to blog about them, but i'm pretty sure i took photos each time. let's catch up on my candle-making adventures.

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candle-making my way to a cento fine foods sponsorship

i took an afternoon off of work last week to make up for working on an office holiday – typical for hot, smart babes whose job it is to support their users. with a new set of candlescience fragrance oils delivered, i ate a chewable (legal) and tried to see how many candles i could make before it hit.

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brb, circumnavigating the globe

...haha jk. my pal, tyler, is though. tyler was my manager for a significant (and actually productive) part of my time at my last job. i hadn't heard from him in a long time when he messaged me a few weeks ago to announce that he was sailing around the world and would be in my area soon. every day is a winding road!

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domesticating feral tomatoes

i don't think i've ever officially *gardened*. i was simply never told that it was a thing i could even ever do. several years ago i lived in an apartment building with a grassy front lawn in montclair, new jersey, and during a visit from my uncle vinny, he said 'what's with the grass, you should pave it.' it's absurd to most, but there was virtually no grass within sight from our bay ridge apartment when i lived with him as a baby. what i'm getting at is, basically, a balcony counts as 'nature' to me.

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bug vs. shark

last night i sent a newsletter after about 5 months of elecronic mail silence, hehehe whoops. a couple of folks wrote back asking for me to send pumagreg updates...

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my candles needed thicker wicks

remember in may when i made candles and they burned a tunnel instead of all the way through? my hypothesis was that i needed thicker wicks. before i get into that adventure, i first want to tell you *a tale of the ultimate betrayal of friendship*...

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lemon cake, hold the shingles!

when i was little, my best friend got something called 'chicken pox' and i was extremely jealous of the days off school, attention, and lemon cupcakes he got. the cupcakes, probably from a box mix, were baked for him by my dad and were the most delicious baked good i had ever had.

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you don't become a year older just on your birthday, it's something that happens continuously throughout the year – unless you're me, who literally stays the same age all year round but then ages a year on my birthday.

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how to cheat at nail art

wow, friends, would you look at that incredible nail art - the colors, the variation in style and shapes! they’re all so different, but yet it works somehow?

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how is this for "aesthetic"

over the weekend i did some gel nail art for the first time! to show it off, i’m taking a detour from my usual invisible handjob manicure pose and instead including a little slice of my kitchen–which doubles as my "day office."

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