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category: living

ten years ago i let people fuck up my 8-bit art

releasing an editable document on the web for anyone to edit in any way is terrifying but exciting. that's in part why i worked on glitch for so long - letting millions of developers run arbitrary code, more often than not for free, allows incredible viral moments to happen that shine brighter than any of the bad stuff (spam, phishing). this facilitation of web building always comes with its moments of noticing someone is doing something you didn't intend and you immediately thinking 'oh, that's it, we're fucked' but more often than not the next moment you're tearing up because the web can be so beautiful.

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there's a good reason i didn't blog this month yet

the last several weeks have been a lot, between plotting and executing a major life change and co-hosting xoxo. i have so much to say about those things, also past events like devrelcon that i've gone to...there's been a lot. i just need to finish my last week at work and process the past month and then i'm confident i'll never shut up on here.

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join my freaking mailing list

ten years ago a true taste-maker ahead of her time, named jenn schiffer started a newsletter and it got to just over 1700 people which was pretty wild because in 2014 there were only like 5000 people on the internet. hi, i'm jenn schiffer, and i have since deleted my mailchimp account so i could only find the first issue in a reply to the email someone sent.

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just some upcoming events and things on my mind

my fucking allergies!! just kidding, that's not what this blog is about, i just wanted to acknowledge it. here are some other things i want to acknowledge, separated by 'these need your attention and action' and 'no call to action needed here'

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an april photo dump before april is over

in the girly world of working on projects, being depressed, and blogging, you often can only pick two of those - and my brain *loves* to work on projects and be depressed. it's been a busy april, but first a word from our sponsor: pumagreg.

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the intersection of candles and code

last month i said i'd be experimenting with more sculptural candles and that's exactly what i did this weekend. and because i had also recently finished my three.js journey certificate, i figured that starting this weekend's session by rendering the candle on the web first would be a good practice and a cool way to show off the candle i had floating in my mind for weeks.

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catching up on candles

i haven't posted a candle-making blog since june 2022](/posts/candle-making-cento/) but i haven't stopped making them. i guess i just forgot to blog about them, but i'm pretty sure i took photos each time. let's catch up on my candle-making adventures.

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